Thursday, October 16, 2008

Memories of My Melancholy Whores

Title: Memories of My Melancholy Whores
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Pages: 109
Yearly Count: 69

When one old man turned ninety he decided to surround himself in the young love virgin. Gabriel Garcia Marquez takes the reader on a journey, a well written but somewhat naive journey into the realm of aging, virginity and what it all could cost.

To be quite frank I don't know why I read this book , other than that it was the only one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez there to choose from that I hadn't read. I didn't like it. However I could still see glimpses of the man who won the Nobel prize for Literature. This was his first book in ten years! It seems to me he would have had much more to say than what he said.

That is about as good as my review gets for this one, sorry folks...not a book for me.

Other blogger reviews of this book:
Fresh Ink Books

Have you read and reviewed this? What were your thoughts? Give me your link and I will add it here.


beastmomma said...

I am giving away a book that I did not care for very much, but maybe someone else will. Here is the link in case you are interested:

beastmomma said...

I am giving away a book that I did not care for very much, but maybe someone else will. Here is the link in case you are interested:

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

The only one I've read is One Hundred Years and I haven't really had a desire to read anything else despite the others waiting patiently on my shelf. One day--but not a day anytime soon. ;)

Sorry this one didn't do it for you. From the description, it doesn't sound like something I would love either.

Sandra said...
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Sandra said...

I reviewed this last year and I know exactly what you're feeling. Here's mine for what it's worth:

Anonymous said...

hmm... i have heard about Gabriel books...that tend to be a little boring!

I don't want to read this one!

Anna said...

Thanks for being honest! I tried to read Love in the Time of Cholera and couldn't get past the first 20 pages. I probably won't try any of his others.


Desert Rose said...

I posted a link to your review here :)