Thursday, July 31, 2008

Title: The Alchemist
Author: Paulo Coelho
Pages: 208
Yearly Count: 44
(Book 7 for July Blowout)

A fable, a mystery, a hidden treasure...what is there to not like!? I actually listened to this on my way to and from picking berries (so far I have picked over 70 lbs., for our family and friends) I was immediately captivated by the tale of a boy, a Shepard who follows a dream of reached potential to a land faraway and unknown. He leaves what he does now, and what is comfortable to reach what may not even really be there. I cannot resist the talk of omens, and personal legends, and magical stones and dreams, and love which so saturates the pages of this short novel.

Personally I enjoyed listening to it, it felt like an ancient tale told to me by a egyptian storyteller. I felt the beauty of the language and the force of the legend.

However if you are not into dreams, and somewhat mystical tales...sit this one out, because that is what it is. I wonder though, if those of you who are not would be won over by the smooth words of Coelho. It is always worth a try! I loved it, and completely recommend it :) I haven't ever read a Paulo Coelho book before, and now I am a Cohelo believer, I am interested in what other really good books he has written. Do you have any recommendations?

Have you read this book? Tell me what you thought, or give me your link and I will post it here!

The Alchemist also reviewed by:
Bart's Bookshelf

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

back into reading

oh, wow. we got rid of so much junk!! It was all worth it for sure. I keep finding things around the house now that I know I should have put out there....since I won't be doing another garage sale for a long time :).

So now I am getting back into reading. I am in the middle of Septembers of Shiraz and Three Cups of Tea. I am not going to make my goal of 12 books for the month of July, but that is okay. I also just read The Alchemist and will review it soon. My favorite out of the three is for sure Septembers of Shiraz, but the other two are good as well. image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Thank you THANK YOU for all your comments last week, I am so blessed and was encouraged by your super sweet words. I am so happy that I can now finally get back to commenting as well!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

pretty blog awards

HAHAH, yay! I won NaNoWriMo this year and I got a shirt to prove it!!
I wrote over 50,000 words in one month, I wrote a novel in a month! :)

Winner Icon

here is my blogged rating!!

B&b ex libris at Blogged

Arte y Pico Award

I am proud to display this trophy....the Arte y Pico Award, bestowed upon my by Diane at carp(e) libris reviews!!! Here is what she said about B&b ex libris:
B&b ex libris of Oregon - She writes great reviews of books that take you all over the world, and I love her selection. Hey, with titles like “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian,” how can you not be curious?
Anyway, it is a pretty little treasure that I am honoured to receive...sweetness, my first ever award!!!

Looky here folks! I got an award! oh, this is too fun.
The Literate Housewife gave me this super cool Blogging Excellence award, and said this about my bloggy-blog:

B&b ex libris ~ Bethany has a wonderful, warm book blog. She writes some great reviews and from time to time we’re treated with pictures. I really enjoyed the read-a-thon. Her pictures were really portraits of the reader as a young woman. Bethany won my Mrs. Lieutenant contest and I’m looking forward to talking about the book with her when that time comes.

Can you believe it!?!?! YAY! I am just incredibly blessed, this is too sweet.

YAY! Thank you gals~
I was nominated by Dar at Peeking Between the Pages for this award a while back and I spaced writing a blog about it! seriously, that is horrible. Also Ronda from Ronda's Rants nominated me at the same time. If you click on those links you will be taken to over a month ago in their blogs....what a kind of a blogger friend am I to neglect this for so long. So sorry, very sorry to you both.

I just got this prize from Ramya's Bookshelf, this is what she said about it: I created a little award that I would like to pass on to three of my favorite book bloggers to mark my three year blog-anniversary! This was one of the toughest decisions I have EVER had to make but I finally picked three of my favorite bloggers. They have gone out of their way in making my reading a wonderful experience for me! Thank you so much you guys!!

Thanks Ramya- right back at ya!!!

I feel so honoured, I received this award from Ramya, Tricia, literate housewife, Amanda, and Avis
Thank you so much!!! I love awards :)

So the low down is: You can nominate or not, post it or not, this gift comes with no strings attached :) just enjoy.It seems this is going around, so I am not going to worry if those who I nominate have it already, here it goes:

Ramya's Bookshelf.
I enjoy the honesty, and the time she puts into each of her reviews. I love that she is interested in people around the world, and that she has been one of the greatest supporters of my orbis terrarum challenge. She recently even updated her blog, it is beautiful in its simplicity and design :) We recently bonded over blog design as well.

Caravana de recuerdos
This is not only a book blog, but there are tons of amazing books reviewed there. It is something of a celebration of sorts. I love that Caravana reviews books in Spanish and English and watches movies and gives reviews and insight. R-LO found me a while back, and I am so happy he did! He makes me feel a little piece of "at home" whenever I read a Spanish tid-bit on his blog. Se habla espaƱol, I heart bilingual :)

The Book Lady's Blog
Since book blogs are all about reviews, this lady writes some of my favourite reviews, and therefore I have to include her. I don't know her as well as I know the rest of the peeps mentioned here, but I am over and over again stunned by her high-quality, reviews and choices for books. I always check to see what new stuff she has going on, and there is always something worth checking!!!!

Just A (Reading) Fool
I know Just a reading fool does not actually accept awards...but I want to put him on my list of praise anyway :) (I do not want you to accept this award...but your blog is too great for me to not include it!!!!) There are so many women book bloggers, and amongst a sea of us there is Just a (Reading) Fool. I love the perspective he brings, the reviews he writes and even his selection of books. We have read several books together for our online book club and he brings loads of insight. I do heart your blog :)

The Literate Housewife Review
I heart her blog, her comments, and her supa- positive outlook :) She recently posted pics of herself at the National Book Festival, her smiles will tell you she is an authentic book lover! I am in her book club, and love seeing the amazing things that she does for this book community. She reads, she blogs and she does it with elegance and supa-style. Thanks Housewife, for being so truly literate!!!

Maw Books Blog
I heart her blog for several reasons, but the most important one is that she doesn't just read, she doesn't just blog. She goes all out and crates a movement, an amazing place where you can learn, donate, and share about the atrocities of Darfur. There are many people who can talk the talk, but Maw books goes beyond, much, much beyond that to walk the walk. We can all read about all the horrors of the world and say : "oh, now, isn't that sad...things really need to change", or we could change them. Yes Maw is changing things. I wish I could have helped out this time, but her event for Darfur caught me by surprise...I dream of putting something on like this, and she did it. I heart Maw Books.

garage sale part 2 (aka: pay off)

please tell me this looks better. we sorted, cleaned, and sold TONS. In the picture from yesterday we didn't even have all of the stuff from our porch that had been priced...what do you think!?

you all are SO sweet :)!!!!

today was better than yesterday, especially because we were finally able to see the reward for all our labor. We decided to go another day...which will be fine even if we have to miss church.

I am so excited about the amount of stuff we sold!!!However I am very bummed that I have two books that I should have read by Monday, and I am not half way through one and the other I haven't started!!! AHHHH! help.

You guys are incredible encouragers though....sorry to neglect you during this yucky garage sale time, trust me....I'd rather be reading and blogging!:)

oh, and I had to show the books....I thought we weren't selling any! No worries though, they are only car manuals and other boring such books...promise :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

swamped with yucky.

this is what we are up to:
this is how we feel about being up to the above noted activity:

we are sorting, tossing, freebeing, and pricing junk and more junk for the garage sale we will have tomorrow. we have loads of stuff to sort through. we have had junk boxes that we have left unpacked from house to house and are just that: filled with keep me, don't want to keep but guilted into keeping because they are "keepsakes" and things that who knows what they even are. We are going through it all, this is a no boxes left behind policy at our house right now and truly it really sucks. It will be very nice when we are done though, fo sho.

so anyway, all that to tell you all that I am not here, and not having fun without you...don't worry:) tomorrow is the garage sale....I can't wait to get this junk out. no worries I am not selling any books at at all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Skunk: A Love Story
Title: Skunk: A Love Story
Author: Justin Courter
Pages: 347
Yearly Count: 43
(july blowout book 6)

Obsessions are either understood by those around us or they are not. Addictions are the same, but to love anything too much is more danger than it is worth. Not for Damien, the main man in this book, Skunk: A Love Story. Damien is unhealthily obsessed with the smell of skunks, their "musk" and anything skunk related, this novel is about how his life goes and flows because of it. A tale of life with an addiction that is not understood by anyone, and ridiculed by everyone. Witty, fun, silly and mostly just insane this is a book unlike anything I have enjoyed.

My relationship with Skunk was a stop and go type of time. I loved it, then it seemed to move too slowly, then I loved it, then I didn't then.., well you get the idea, yeah? Much of the time it felt like there was a little something missing, and I cannot put a finger on it. The voice of the narrator reminded me (for all you TV folk) of that of Dwight Schrute off of the splendid show The Office. He is similar in the way he speaks, in his weirdness and just too much to mention. I enjoyed the voice, but sometimes I felt like I needed to be told the same story from the perspective of a more balanced individual.

No matter what, this was one of the most entertaining books I have read so far this year. It held tons of laughs, tons of weirdness and the feeling of too many salami sandwiches much too late at night.

Thank you Diane, for sending me this book!!! What a hoot it was!

Other reader views:
Diane: carp(e) libris reviews

have you read this? give me your link and take mine.

Friday, July 18, 2008

tea anyone?

If you already own the book, Three Cups of Tea and are dying to read it right now, you should~! I am heading up a little reading group here. We will be starting it soon, and will have it finished by the 28th. If you are interested, check out the details.

let me know if you have any questions :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Vanishing Moon

Title: The Vanishing Moon
Author: Joseph Coulson
Pages: 330
Yearly Count: 42
(5 for july blowout)

I know that a book is extremely well written when I have no interest in the subject matter prior to picking up the book, but as soon as I read the first page the author grips me. The Vanishing Moon is a novel of individuals and their effects on each other. The choices that are made cause all of those close by to suffer or enjoy depending on the choice. I loved this book. The writing is superb. Joseph Coulson puts together words to make sentences that poor the feeling onto the pages so that the reader can slurp it all up. Coulson is incredible, this is his first novel, and I am a true believer!

The Vanishing Moon is about one family, the Tollmans, and those they come in contact with over three generations. Spanning from the time of the Depression and World War to the times of hippies and the Vietnam War. Stephen, the middle brother is the main protagonist. So much happens in this book, and I'd hate to give anything away, but know this: life does not take it easy on the Tollmans, but their resiliency should astonish anyone. This is a story of suffering, pride, family ties (and the lack of them), love, love lost and most of all personal battles and their effects on their family.

The character development is the major punch in this one, and that is how it should be (according to me).Each person is defined and described, so that the reader truly feels completely connected. It really amazed me that Coulson really told a story, a well developed, deep tale that, I believe, will not be overlooked. Anyone can write about what I am interested in, and since I already care I am motivated to read it. But to introduce me to something that I didn't know I cared about until Coulson wrote it, that shows talent. This book was meant to be a classic, really it is that good. The Vanishing Moon, by Joseph Coulson comes with my highest recommendation. I loved it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

do you want to know who WON!?

! Dar won the copy of Did I Expect Angels? by Kathryn Maughan. Congrats girl :)click on the "email me" button and send me your contact info.

Thanks to all of you who commented and posted about this giveaway!!! You are all incredible.

PS My hubby is away on a business trip until Thursday, I have some books that I need to get sent out, but I am going to wait for him to get back before I brave the post office....little kids and long boring post office lines don't go well together. (So I have Ramya's book that I will send out then, and Julie's and now Dar's).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

sunday salon- who are you? does it show in your reading?

The Sunday

hey again all you reader peeps!
I have been reading today, and it has been good. I am almost done with Vanishing Moon, and it is really very good. The character development is divine, and life does not stop in the book, it is almost like there is a whole mid western world going on inside the cover that allows me to pick up where I left off when I closed the book last.The writing is so incredible, it turns me upside down. I'll finish that tonight:)

My goal is to read 12 books this month, and usually even in a good month I only get 8 books read....but so far it is looking good. This is my 5th book, so I am pretty much exactly where I need to be to do this craziness... I love it!

I just had a thought today, as I am finishing up this book and I want to know if other readers share it. Do you ever feel like you would rather not meet any more characters? I am a little bit of an introvert with new people, with people I know I have no problem, and I believe I take longer than some to warm up. This character trait carries through to my reading. I don't trust as easily, or let go so much...if the character seems unpredictable then I hold my breath for something to happen. I am pretty sure it is because I don't like surprises. I almost hate them, even good ones. When I was very little I would unwrap all my presents and wrap them back up and put them back under the tree....I didn't want to be surprised in front of my whole family on Christmas day. If they didn't get me what I had hoped for, that was alright, but I wanted to prepare for it and not be caught off guard in front of them like a deer in the headlights.

Another thing that I do is I cannot not finish a book. I have tried, and tried, and tried. It does not work. I have to give thanks to the relentless years of long distance running and cross country that I trained in. Relentless doesn't even describe it. I think it is just a sickly stubborn thing. It surely has helped me later on though. Here goes a YEEEEEHAWWW for stickin' with it, for stubbornness!

Do your character traits follow through in your reading? tell me about it.
What are you reading? are you enjoying it?

sunday salon and last day for my GIVEAWAY!

The Sunday
since our last chatty-chat I have read and reviewed a couple of books and am working on my third, here are the links to my reviews:
The Society of S by Susan Hubbard
Did I Expect Angels? by Kathryn Maughan
Both books were very good, I breezed right through them and the fully kept my undivided attention (which many times takes some doing!)
I am currently about 90 pages from finishing Vanishing Moon by Joseph Coulson which is so well written I could scream! I will write a review later on this week, you have to be sure to check that one out.

Other stuff has gone on this week, I got two blog awards, and I finished up a giveaway...oh, but I have another one!!
You have to be sure to head over to the Did I Expect Angels?GIVEAWAY and comment to be entered in the giveaway!! The book blew me away, you are sure to want a chance to win it!! Today is the last day, so do it now!!! (I will select a winner tomorrow)

I will write another post later on today...but just wanted to get word out about the giveaway! :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Excellence in Blogging

Looky here folks! I got an award! oh, this is too fun.
The Literate Housewife gave me this super cool Blogging Excellence award, and said this about my bloggy-blog:

B&b ex libris ~ Bethany has a wonderful, warm book blog. She writes some great reviews and from time to time we’re treated with pictures. I really enjoyed the read-a-thon. Her pictures were really portraits of the reader as a young woman. Bethany won my Mrs. Lieutenant contest and I’m looking forward to talking about the book with her when that time comes.

Can you believe it!?!?! YAY! I am just incredibly blessed, this is too sweet.

Here is my list 5 of tag-you're-it amazing blogs that I love:

  • oh, I love this blog, I love the diversity and Diane's reviews and just so much about it. Oh, and the super-cool header with the goldfish and the really fun goldfish awards she gives out to her favourite books. just superfastic.
  • Ramya's Bookshelf..
  • This is the sweetest reader and reviewer ever! Ramya is so excellent in all that she does, it is fascinating to see. I love her blog and her quiet, sweet spirit. She has really good taste in books too! Ramya is amazing.
  • oh yes of course Corinne! I love the book enthusiasm, the really insightful reviews, and her encouragement! Corinne's Book Nest is always jam packed with splendid reviews. It seems to me we have pretty similar tastes as well, which always makes it fun :)
  • Trish's Reading Nook
  • Trish's Reading Nook is what introduced me to book blogging, I had no idea this wonderful world existed. I love reading Trish's reviews, and enjoy that she comments back. Another superfastic blog!
  • Beastmomma
  • I love the Beastomomma site, it has so much more than most blogs, a discussion board, her thoughts, her reviews and so much more! I so enjoy reading her reviews and listening to her thoughts about "the food police" (let's hope her mom never figures out how to get to her blog:)! A wonderful world is Beastmomma.

there are many more blogs that I love. but as the literate housewife said, "I really should leave some blogs for my well-deserved recipients to nominate". However, no tagging necessary when you win this award...but it is fun to pass the love around!


Friday, July 11, 2008

goofy dance the world.

I just had to put this up when I saw it. the joy in international dancing was just too much for me:) goofy dance the world, it makes sense, right? boundaries are broken and fun is had. I want to do it!!!

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

Carp(e) libris awarded me the Arte y Pico Award

I am proud to display this trophy....the Arte y Pico Award, bestowed upon my by Diane at carp(e) libris reviews!!! Here is what she said about B&b ex libris:
B&b ex libris of Oregon - She writes great reviews of books that take you all over the world, and I love her selection. Hey, with titles like “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian,” how can you not be curious?
Anyway, it is a pretty little treasure that I am honoured to receive...sweetness, my first ever award!!!

Here are the five people who I love to read, who's artisticness blasts me and to whom I wish to award this award given to me, or I could also say "these is my peeps":
bookgirl's nightstand
beautiful blog, packed tight with talent and books. she makes books, reads books and loves books. I enjoy the reviews she writes and the beauty of her site

The Literate Housewife
brilliant, informative and always contains something new. She is fun to read, and I really like her book choices.

Fizzy Beverage
I love reading softdrink's reviews, and she has tons of fun giveaways (which I enjoy winning:) Just all around super spiffy!

Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'?
I love the artistic layout of her pages, and she is SUPER witty and fun! she always has something fun to say, and I enjoy reading it!

A High and Hidden Place
I just started reading this blog, but the pictures are beautiful, the layout sweet and...I just love it.

Thank you Diane, I love this award it is so pretty :)

and the WINNER is....

The winner of The Heartbreak Diet is JULIE! (email me your mailing info, pretty please:)

Thanks to all the rest of you for putting your entries in.

make sure you enter to win Did I Expect Angels?, you only have a couple more days.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

doomsday + 2 GIVEAWAYS!

btt button

One of my favorite bookstores burned down last weekend, and while I only got to visit there while I was on vacation, it made me stop and think.

What would you do if, all of a sudden, your favorite source of books was unavailable?

Whether it’s a local book shop, your town library, or an internet shop … what would you do if, suddenly, they were out of business? Devastatingly, and with no warning? Where would you go for books instead? What would you do? If it was a local business you would try to help out the owners? Would you just calmly start buying from some other store? Visit the library in the next town instead? Would it be devastating? Or just a blip in your reading habit?

oh, what would I do? I would read the books that I have, I probably have enough to keep my busy for some time...years and years. So, maybe that would be what I would do. I read books mainly from the lib, and ones that I find at goodwill or the local arc (used store) or the Book Bin. I head up to Powell's every once in a while....but they are too expensive when I am used to getting bargains. I only go there if I want an outing, and really want a specific book.

So, what would I do....I guess find another source or read what I have!!! I really should read what I have anyway....

Oh, and I am having a GIVEAWAY!!!!! Make sure you comment here(Did I Expect Angels?) and here (The Heartbreak Diet) to enter, plus blog about it and you'll get two more entries!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Did I Expect Angels? (+giveaway!)

Title: Did I Expect Angels?
Author: Kathryn Maughan
Pages: 182
Yearly Count: 41
(July book 4)

The power of a testimony, or one's life story, is sometimes all that will shake us from our own grief long enough to enable change. Did I Expect Angels? is a book that shows just how powerful it is to listen and to be heard, and to let those that love us know that we are not doing well, to cry out for help. Humans can be angels, it all depends on if they are the right person at the right time, and if they are willing to invest a little. We all have angels.

In Did I Expect Angels? the grieving Jennifer meets an unexpected angel, Henry who tells her the story of his life. She never thinks to listen until her story becomes so much like his that her mind is finally able to focus on someone, on something besides her pain. Life does not make pretty, endings are not always good but if we try to pretend that we have gotten better, improved, or no longer need anti-depressants when we do, it is just a matter of time before our momentum will decrease and our life will fall apart with it. Jennifer was exactly in that spot when she met the greeter at a the local 24 hour store, an older man from Costa Rica. Jennifer thought the world would be a better place without her, that her daughter would do better in the loving arms of someone else rather than being surrounded by her own mood swings and depression.

Did I Expect Angels? is a new take on 'It's a Wonderful Life', this is a novel that does not smoothe over, it does not dumb down pain. A captivating read, it shows the power of one life impacting another. Kathryn does a spectacular job in the writing. It is not mystical, surreal or strange at all, the angels are modern day heroes who mostly just happen to be the perfect person in the right place and time. I loved this book, the whole way through I was emotionaly tied in to the book. I highly recoomend it, really. It blew me away.

And I have a giveaway copy up for grabs!!! Kathryn sent me an extra copy for a super special commenter who would love to read this book as well. That could be you!!! Leave a comment on this post for one entry and post about it on your blog for another two entries! (make sure you let me know you have posted about it) I will give you through Sunday to do it, and on Monday I will pick one lucky winner.

check out the author's website: Kathryn Maughan

Also reviewed by:
Trisha at the Library Queue
Trish at Hey Lady! Whacha Readin' ?

Read and reviewed this book? give me your link, so I can post it here!

Tuesday ThiNgErS! (summer reading Q's and A's)

Tuesday Thingers ROCK!

Q:Since we’re past the Fourth of July and the summer season has officially started, what are your plans for the summer? Vacations, trips? Trips that involve reading? Reading plans? If you’re going somewhere, do you do any reading to prepare? Do you read local literature as part of your trip? Have you thought about using the LT Local feature to help plan your book-buying?

A: We are going to take tons of day-trips this year. To go hiking, swimming, and maybe some overnighter camping. I am not super brave yet with my 2 and 4 year olds. I guess I like my sleep, and I like it when they get theirs :) We will be able to do more this year, and more just keeps getting better and better!!

I will read no matter where I am. I have a huge pile of ARC and I really am working on getting a handle on them this is going well so far, but I can't slack off since there are always more coming. I love getting them in the mail, but I hate seeing them while they sit there awaiting me on my is my physical to do list. I don't have to visualise it, it is right there. There are about 25 or so right now.

Reading to prepare for trips? well, we use google maps to see where we are going, but besides that we usually know what is there so we don't need to.

I usually don't worry about buying books when I am away from home either, unless it is a dire need (as in I finished the books I brought with me!) I do like to brows used bookstores in small towns, it seems like their prices are so much better. And know, I don't think to plan things out like searching for them on LT local...I am more of a play-it-by-ear type o' gal. But I am sure the planners really know what is good, too bad I don't even think to do that!:)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Society of S (july book 3)

Title: The Society of S
Author: Susan Hubbard
Pages: 312
Yearly Count: 40

I have never read a vampire book before, and I was a little nervous about reading this one, I am easily spooked. I loved this book though, it was such a great read. Ari, is trying to figure out who she is, her father has always done strange things, and cannot go outside in the daytime, but what about her? Up until now she has not been affected by these strange habits and is quite normal, in the Society of S she finds out who she really is and what that means for her future. Susan Hubbard does an incredible job of telling a tale in which vampires are trying to cope with life, and learn to live with humans. Interested in how that goes for them? Read it!! It is not a blood-sucking gore of a book, but one that develops the characters, lets you feel for them and allows room for wiggle, and in the case of Ari that gives way to hopes and dreams that she longs to reach for.

I think I loved this book because it was so different than anything else I had read before. But also because Ari loves reading, education and is very mature for her age. It is well written, and just takes you in and asks you to have a seat (and stay for a long, long time!). I am so thankful that softdrink over at Fizzy Thoughts was sweet enough to send this on to me :) (THANK YOU!!!) Softdrink also sent me the next book in the series The Year of Disappearances, which I am so SUPER excited to read as well!!

I know that right now there is the Twilight series that is HUGE, have you read that!? I am considering it, but I am a little nervous that it would be too scary, what are your thoughts on that series? I know it is YA, but still. Have you read other vampire stories that you were surprised by, that you loved? Tell me about them, I'd love to find some more stories that I could read.

Other reviews:

Fizzy Thoughts: The Society of S
Fantasy book Critic: Interview with the author and The Year of Disappearances review

have you reviewed this too, tell me.

sunday salon-reviews and heads up (giveaway!)

Well, oh well...this has been a good reading week, and I have completed several reviews as well. I joined in on the book blowout fun, and my goal is to read 12 books this month. I am doing well so far as I have read 3 and will probably finish my 4th soon. Great fun!
I have several interesting posts this week you'll want to check out:

my reviews: image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The Heartbreak Diet by Thorina Rose
BELONGING:New Poetry by Iranians Around the World by Niloufar Talebi
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea by Valerie Zenatti
The Wishing Year by Noelle Oxenhandler

I am going to interview the author of BELONGING, so be sure to check back for that too!!!

I just finished The Society of S by Susan Hubbard that I will try to review today, I LOVED IT!!
I am currently reading Did I Expect Angels by Kathryn Maughan which is incredible as well, not finished with it yet....I will have a giveaway for that next be sure to check back!
the giveaway this week:

want a book?! here is my giveaway of The Heartbreak Diet by Thorina Rose, leave comment on that post get an entry!!!