Title: A View of Jerusalem
Author: Erin Sheely Tolman
Pages: 116
Publisher: worldclay
Genre: Memoir, collection of travel memories
Yearly Count: 3
Erin Sheely Tolman writes with excellence about her time at the BYU Jerusalem Center, in August of 2000. With determination she embarks on a journey to see as much as she can along with 172 other students. So excited is Erin about her new surroundings and the potential adventures lurking behind every corner that she does not see the dangers that are brewing in that part of the world. Will she get to carry her dreams of exploration and adventure all the way through her voyage or will the dark cloud of middle eastern conflict make traveling and touring a feat even too dangerous for Erin Sheely Tolman?
I completely enjoyed A View of Jerusalem, I read it in one sitting and could not get over the beautifully written descriptions of important religious places that Erin traveled to. Her sincerity in the disappointments of being in lockdown for different periods of the trip, as a safety precaution and other joys and sadnesses she endured made the personality burst through. Stunning illustrations by Steven Lee Elgan help depict the places Erin is visiting, and what she is seeing.
The visuals really helped me gain an even deeper understanding than just by words alone.
She not only explains the importance of each of the sites she tours, but she fills the page with more than surface level descriptions. Going beyond the physical experience to retell her personal feelings, what she learned, and how it changed her forever.
Any reader who is a traveler, or a traveler through reading about other peoples voyages will enjoy this read. It is short and very sweet. I understood and could relate on many different levels, I share the desire Erin Tolman does to explore, as well as experience life in its fullest. I get that. I also can relate to being far away from family and feeling blessed by having them, but miss them all the same. If you read this book you are sure to fall in love with Erin Sheely Tolman.
I just had to share some pictures with you that Erin took on her trip, Jerusalem is a place of beauty, romance, and mystery to me. Enjoy her photos:
If you could travel to any place in the world where would you go?

To win a copy of A View of Jerusalem head over to The Book Nest. Corinne is giving away copies, for every 20 entries she will add in an extra copy!!! Make sure you don't miss out on this one.
Thank you so much for your review!! I am so glad you liked it.
Hey, I am giving away copies of the book on my blog!! Will you update your post/write a post to spread the word? I'd really appreciate it!!
Those pictures are great! It sounds like it would be an interesting read.
Love those pictures. If I could go anywhere it would be either Ireland or England- maybe both! I've always wanted to go ever since I was little.
I really want to read this one - thanks for the review. If I could go anywhere, it'd probably be Egypt!
Thanks for the review--I'm hoping to read more travel-oriented stuff this year, and this one looks interesting. As to your survey question, I'd vote for AndalucĂa or Rome (new places) or Barcelona or California (old favorites). Four places out of 1,000!
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