hey peeps! I am not sure about you, but for some reason I am wondering if all the giveaways going around is actually putting a damper on the blogger community. Are you tired of giveaways? Are you all for them? I have recently had a feeling that more people are not entering giveaways, and that there was too much all at the same time. What are your feelings on giveaways? Be honest.
It just seems they are everywhere, and I am trying to figure out my feelings on them as well.
I just got done posting a poll in my sidebar about giveaways, please let me know your feelings :)
Here are the options in the poll, please vote on my sidebar though!!
Share your current feelings about Giveaways:
*Love them! You enter them all.
*Enjoy them. You enter the ones you like.
*Don't care. You don't really pay any attention.
*Starting to get annoying. You used to like them.
*Hate them. You never enter giveaways.
I am very curious to see where everyone is at with this. Does having so many giveaways make us book bloggers seem cheap? As if we are trying to purchase our readers and loyalty by giving them stuff rather than just attracting them for our reviews and posts? I am feeling a little overload, but I currently have a giveaway going on of my own...I am going back and forth on this one and would love to hear your thoughts!!!