Anne of Avonlea
by Lucy Maud Montgomery
256 pages
Ages 9-12
Sterling (October 7, 2008)
first published in 1909
The second book in the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Mud Montgomery, was just as spectacular and worthy of its classic status as the first. I am not a big believer in sequels, I know there are few occasions on which sequels work, but to me it seems they have more of a cult following than actual talent. Of course there are exceptions, but generally the story that needed to be told was told and people move on (or should move on) to different character entrancements. Anne of Green Gables left me no where near done learning about Anne Shirley nor Gilbert Blythe, I guess I am a cult member of the Anne club now. I love those two youngins!
In this book Anne starts out at 16 years old and she takes on the local school, she is just as hazardous as always and while she has grown out of the vain mischief that so surrounded her actions in Anne of Green Gables, she will still find ways to cause damage to property, people and well, just some good 'ol time confusion. Oh, yes it is always an accident, and always more than entertaining to watch her try and fix the problems that she has caused.
In this book I never felt a pinch of annoyance with Anne as I did in the first one, she is much more mature and less dreamy and chattery. I did expect things to move quicker between her and Gilbert though, and was a little disappointed that it didn't progress more rapidly. That is just the romantic in me though, the rest of me loves that they held off, I mean they are still really young when this book ends and it wouldn't make any sense to move so fast, but still I wanted to gush.
Yes, this is another stellar performance by Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe and of course author Lucy Maud Montgomery! I loved the whole world of Green Gables and beyond that she created for me to inhabit as I read through Anne of Avonlea. I will no doubt pick up the next one when I go to the library. Yes this book takes the cake as a five star "On the Lowest Shelf Children's Book Reviews" feature. Well worth the read! Careful though, you'll get sucked in!
I have been interested in watching it on the screen, but I am a little confused with all the different versions out there. Can anyone help me who is a Anne fan? I would like to watch Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea on DVD or if possible online. Any hints or ideas? Are there good versions and bad ones?

Anne Of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery

I've only read the first in this series, and that was just a few years ago - I think I need to read this one, too.
I remember loving both of these books. One day, I should come back to these as I find I've forgotten everything but the basic story.
I'm glad you enjoyed re-reading. As for movie versions - you're a brave soul - I never let myself venture into those. I never like them half as much as the novel.
Squeeee! It will be so worth it to read the next book, especially if you are developing a crush on Gil.
And then you can come here to PEI and visit Green Gables house and see all things Anne.
Movies? the first two Kevin Sullivan movies starring Megan Fallows are excellent:
Anne of Green Gables and
Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel and then you can stop.
There are two more movies - the Continuing Story and a New Beginning, and while I am sure they are excellent in their own right, they have NOTHING to do with the books written by LMM. Stay far away.
Instead, keep reading the next 5 books in the series - Windy Poplars, House of Dreams, Ingleside, Rainbow Valley and Rilla of Ingleside.
If you have any questions about Anne, I can fill you in.
I grew up on these books. :o) If my memory serves me correctly, the first two grabbed me the hardest.
And sorry, even if the TV series was a big hit here, I didn't watch it.
I love watching Anne mature. It's a great point of the series for sure. I remember being frustrated that Anne and Gilbert's romance took SO long, but it is understandable in retrospect. I'm glad you loved this one too! I have always avoided television/movie versions, so unfortunately I have no recommendations there.
- Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm
I loved this book as a child...I haven't read it in years but it was one of my favorites!
Oh, so this is where the Twitter discussion came from! Nice review, you make me want to reread these!
You have to watch the 1985 version staring Megan Follows. I just watched it recently and loved it. It has also won a lot of awards
Check it out here
Definitely do the PBS series with Meghan follows. The first two are excellent. I haven't seen any of the others.
lol! I can't believe we reviewed both books on the same day! I like the way we've been reading this in sync! If you are listening to audiobooks as well, I would recommend that you try librivox.org. It is a free website where volunteers have read many books. You can download the whole book or chpater by chapter.. I read the first two books of the anne series from there and I have now downloaded Anne of the Island as well..:)Maybe we should do some kind of a collaborative post considering we are anyways reading this together! what say?
This is a book I'll have to revisit ;0)
I LOVE the movies with Megan Follows--they are great!
Also (and I apologize if I've already mentioned this to you), Montgomery's Emily trilogy is excellent as well. I actually prefer it over the Anne series. I think the first one is called Emily of New Moon.
Oh, these books have such good memories for me.
BTW- I'm going to ask my publisher if we can print
"Janeology certainly didn't suck." Bethany C
on the back cover of the paperback.
Oh, snap, there probably won't be a paperback because I just got my year-end sales numbers and, well, they do suck. But I'm in this for the art, right? Right. On to the next book.
Thanks for checking with your library. You rock!
I know you've heard it enough, but for sure the Megan Follows dvds. I watched it on PBS for the first time when I was 8 and I totally remember it, it's that good :)
I agree--definitely the films with Megan Fallows. I've seen those movies so many times I think our tapes got worn out (haven't seen them in ages, though). I wasn't thrilled with the first Anne book--probably because of watching the movies so many times when little--but I think after reading yours and Ramya's reviews I need to go back and revisit and then read this one, too. Anne of the Island next for you?
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