Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dreadlock Girl, Come On Over and See it!


Hey peeps,
Wondering why I have been so quiet? Well, I haven't been quiet...I am blogging away, posting reviews and bookie thoughts at my new self-hosted spot. Make sure you subscribe over there, I will be hosting some giveaways pretty soon that you won't want to miss out on!!

Some of the great book talk you've missed:

One Reason I Love my Library!
Book Review: Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight
Book Review: The Islands of Divine Music
Book Review: Paper Towns
Book Review: Secondhand Jesus
My Encounter with Luis Alberto Urrea at Powell's Books!
Book Review: Into the Beautiful North

There is so much more to see at my new blog: Dreadlock Girl for all my friendly banter and Dreadlock Girl Reads for just the bookie chatting.

Check it out!

Powell's Book Love II

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