Hello I write for a bookzine called Estella's Revenge (http://www.estellasrevenge.com) and I was hoping you might be able to help me pull together a feature for our 'Travel' issue. I'm popping around various international reading challenges and asking the organisers to tell me what are the best books they have encountered so far in their challenge experience. I would love it if you could let me know what some of your favourite challenge reads have been for the 'Orbis Terrarum' challenge have been and perhaps provide a short sentence about why you have enjoyed them so much.
The goal of this investigation is to get 80 books from around the world into this feature and so go 'Around the World in 80 books' (kind of dorky I know but also kind of fun).
If you'd like to participate please send me your choices by 24th April. If you'd like it would be wonderful if you could ask those taking part in the challenge to help out as well.
The Shell Collector Anthony Doerr
3 days ago
I would have to say The Birth House (Nova Scotia, Canada) has been my favorite thus far. This is why: "Amy McKay's writing is so lyrical it could rock you to sleep if the actual things you were reading weren't keeping your eyes wide with wonder."
Quote taken from my review at insatiablereader.blogspot.com
I saw this over at Book Nut (the Expanding Your Horizons challenge) and totally did it. I can't wait to read the article :)
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